Take it on Faith Radio Show

What a joy it was to be interviewed by the Rev. Dr. Xolani Kacela for the Take it on Faith Radio show at KTAL 101.5 FM!  Rev. Dr. Kacela interviewed my colleague the Rev. Abhi Janamanchi and me about our work in DC doing multicultural ministry! Check it out here! This...

Interview on Sanctuary

Doña Rosa Gutierrez Lopez & Rev. Katie Interview. Doña Rosa entered Sanctuary in December of 2018 at Cedar Lane in order to stay with her 3 US-born children.  As part of supporting Doña Rosa in her effort to gain asylum in the US, Rev. Katie participated in and...

DACA and TPS Morning Prayer

I was honored to offer this morning’s prayer in support of DACA and TPS in front of the  White House this morning.  The UUSC tweeted about it here.   #LoveResists  #DreamAction17