Testimonial 5

I met Katie as a fellow congregant and thought she was wonderful then, just as a person and fellow mom. As I became a religious educator, I watched her go through seminary, absolutely pouring her heart, mind, and soul into the work. Now that we are both serving...

Testimonial 4

Rev. Katie has been a pillar of ministry from the moment I met her (before she was actually a minister). She is a picture of calm, grace, compassion, and courage. If I had to choose one thing that comes to the forefront about Katie’s ministry it is that Katie will...

Testimonial 3

I have known Katie as a friend & fellow church member since I was in high school, just about to transition to college. Along with my educational transition, I navigated my selfhood with her at my side, coming into my truths. She has been an amazing friend and...

Testimonial 2

Katie is such a beautiful soul. When I think of a strong female, someone who always does the right thing, someone who always knows the right thing to say or what you need to hear, when I think of an exemplary human being, I think of Katie. It is because of this that I...

Testimonial 1

Rev. Katie has been Associate Minister at Cedar Lane Church for the past several years. I am very impressed by her ministry. She can do it all! Her sermons are thoughtful, engaging, and wise. Her ability to blend her Latinx Heritage with her command of Spanish and...

Interview on Sanctuary

Doña Rosa Gutierrez Lopez & Rev. Katie Interview. Doña Rosa entered Sanctuary in December of 2018 at Cedar Lane in order to stay with her 3 US-born children.  As part of supporting Doña Rosa in her effort to gain asylum in the US, Rev. Katie participated in and...

DACA and TPS Morning Prayer

I was honored to offer this morning’s prayer in support of DACA and TPS in front of the  White House this morning.  The UUSC tweeted about it here.   #LoveResists  #DreamAction17  

Papaya Ginger Mint Smoothie

I have been playing around in the kitchen. Here is my new favorite green smoothie recipe: 8 oz filtered water 4 oz fresh squeezed orange juice 3 cups Organic Spinach 1 inch peeled ginger 2 or so sprigs of mint 1 cup Papaya 1 Banana (frozen and in pieces) Blend and...