Ministry Comes in Many forms

Rep. Jamie Raskin at Cedar Lane Sometimes ministry means making sure that someone has eaten, or maybe it means staying at a bedside, offering a class, preaching from the pulpit, getting the budget done, or showing up at a social justice action.  Other times, ministry...

Interview on Sanctuary

Doña Rosa Gutierrez Lopez & Rev. Katie Interview. Doña Rosa entered Sanctuary in December of 2018 at Cedar Lane in order to stay with her 3 US-born children.  As part of supporting Doña Rosa in her effort to gain asylum in the US, Rev. Katie participated in and...

DACA and TPS Morning Prayer

I was honored to offer this morning’s prayer in support of DACA and TPS in front of the  White House this morning.  The UUSC tweeted about it here.   #LoveResists  #DreamAction17